Christopher's rantings and ravings

Start page | Commentary I (2004) | Commentary II (2004-2005) | Commentary III (2005) | Alternative Democratic Platform | International Aid Goals for US | Genealogy | C100 | Bio

About Christopher

Christopher (2006)

A short bio of your here to contact me.

Born Memphis, Tennessee, USA, 1971

Schools: Memphis University School (High School); Universitetet i Bergen (University).

Since leaving Tennessee at 19, I have lived all over: Scandinavia, Spain, UK, couple of times back in the States (Atlanta, DC, Chicago), short stay in Italy and most recently in France. Now I live in Boston (since November '05). I work as a project manager in the language services industry (translation and localization services). 

I have a son who is 11 and who lives with my ex. He is the most important thing in my life and I love to see him as often as I can.

Interests: history, religion, politics, international affairs, languages, music, cinema, reading, travel and just enjoying my friends and the company of my wonderful wife, Kate.


World's handsomest eight-year-old! (2004)

Christmas in Norway (2005)

Being goofy with Papa's glasses (2004)

World's Handsomest 10-year-old :) (2006)

Christopher & Kate (2006)

Christopher and Kate with Kate's parents, Frank and Betsy, at Mike's wedding